Mother’s Day is exactly 10 days away. I thought I'd share this gift guide with anyone struggling to get a gift for that special woman. In the name of all things Holy, please do not buy workout equipment or household cleaning gadget if she didn’t request for it. For point of reference in this post when I say mom it also applies to your wife as well.
Getting a gift is about the receiver not the giver, most times people end up getting what they like instead of what the receiver likes. I am a fan of Wishlist (even though people have abused it) because it allows you get exactly what people want by taking out the guess work. Also, if you are not a fan of asking; if you pay attention to your mom, you can tell what she likes. For example my mom loves to garden, she can stay in the garden for hours....lol I am a fan of the 5-love languages book, this book explains how people receive and give love.
A quick summary of the book: There are five love languages. Acts of Service, Gift giving, Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, and Physical touch. Good book to read, if you are interested.
Here are some gift ideas for the mom in your life based on her love language.
Acts of Service: If you notice your mom likes it when you do things for her, acts of service might be her love language. A good gift would be asking her to give you a list of things she wants to get done and started crossing off her to-do list. These could be simple tasks as easy as cleaning out her closet or taking her clothes to the dry cleaners.
Gift giving: You can’t go wrong in getting your mom a perfume on Mother’s Day. Those with this love language don’t really care about the gift, but the intention behind it. Here are some items you can buy for her.
Words of Affirmation: People with this love language love to hear how you feel about them verbally or through written words. They want to know your thoughts about different situations. They love compliments, especially when they are genuine. A good gift would be a letter, preferably handwritten. You can also put sticky notes on her bathroom mirror that states what you love about her. You can share how you feel about her on your social media platform as well.
Quality Time: Anyone with this love language doesn’t care what you guys are doing as long as you are doing it together. Try spending an uninterrupted time with them. You can take your wife out to dinner and ensure you give her all your attention. You can go for a hike together or can just stay home and do nothing. You can have a movie night in with your wife. Hello....... Netflix and chill 😉
Physician Touch: You can never go wrong with physical display of affection (PDA) for those with this love language. You can hold her hand when you go for a walk, you can hug and kiss her whenever and wherever.
No matter what her love language is celebrate your mom and wife every day. She deserves the best. It takes a lot to carry, raise and care for a child. I hope you have a lovely Mother’s Day.
Until next time, remember, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
